Today we present you with a short & sweet list of things you can do in order to get the best out of yourself and designs, also inspirational ideas and exercises to remain consistent in your chosen craft or hobby.
1. Keep a dream journal- A dream journal is a great idea to keep track of our dreams and whatever our subconscious projects to us in our sleep and who knows maybe a dream could spark and idea which could form a catalyst for your design.
2. Hang around with like-minded and creative people and connect when you can, discuss ideas, designs & even music amongst yourself, this is a great way to fuel your creativity.
3. Watch films- Films are a great way to spark imagination and power it, read reviews and look online for visual movies or informative documentaries that keep the mind busy. YouTube offers a great range of documentaries that could serve as an inspiration to you.
4. Listen to music constantly- Music is a glorious thing, certain music we hear could be the source of our inspiration, a great way is to go backwards and listen to great music from past decades, music that has influenced decades which they existed in and still continue today.
5. Receive feedback and critiques- A great way to find out what people think of your design is to post it online or share it amongst your friends, sure certain comments may not be exactly what you’re looking for but remember they are constructive, there may room for improvement or something to consider.
6. Don’t be afraid to write- Even if it’s free writing it’s a great way to express yourself freely, try writing a short story or poem, let your imagination wander and see where it leads to.
7. Travel- Whether it is local or out of the city, see where you are comfortable and strong to be, where you truly gather inspiration from, take pictures so you can take the place your idea may have generated from so you don’t lose it.
8. Be Persistent- Always stay true to your chosen craft or hobby, whether it be music, art, film, graphic or web design, never stop creating and never stop learning. Gather momentum and you will be surprised of how far you can go, jot down ideas and see where you can gather your true inspiration from in order to project and execute your ideas flawlessly, design is what you make it but the passion to create is our sole quality.